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Long Courses

More than a course…

A Journey

An Experience

An Adventure in God


Reasons for Faith

Learn how to give credible answers to difficult questions.

Learn how to deal with some of the most difficult questions of our time. Discover the connections between Scripture, the Fathers of the Church, St Thomas Aquinas, and the Catechism on various topics. In the process of learning how to answer the questions of others, your own faith will be edified and your hope strengthened.



Deeper into Scripture - Hearing the Voice of the Saviour

Discover the voice of the Saviour speaking directly to you and enter more deeply into friendship with Him.

Learn how to read the Sacred Page – how to go beyond a superficial reading & begin to penetrate deeply the Word of God. Examine Catholic Principles for Scriptural Interpretation, see the overarching story of the Bible, and then focus on the Gospels and the words of Christ Jesus, who says, ”These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be complete,” (Jn 15:11) .



Jesus, the Eucharist & the Gospel of St John

Although we hear the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke once every three years in the liturgical cycle of Sunday Mass readings, we hear the Gospel of John every year – during the Christmas and Easter Seasons, the climax of Lent, and other Solemnities and Feasts.

This course seeks to explore what makes the Gospel of John so special and unique. We will consider the structure and content of this mystical gospel, what it has in common with the other gospels, and what is unique. We will focus on St John’s rich theology of the Eucharist and how the various Old Testament sacrifices help us to understand more deeply Jesus' teaching about the Eucharist, the Sacraments, the Divinity of Christ, the Person of the Holy Spirit, the Indwelling of the Trinity, Discipleship, Christ’s fulfillment of the Old Covenant, and more.



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