Please pray for our mission!
Lux in Tenebris - Light in Darkness
Any donation received will contribute to fulfilling the mission of Lux in Tenebris, which is to offer solid Catholic Theology and Formation by way of long courses, short courses, books, and resources, which are forever faithful to Scripture, Tradition and the Magisterium. Please indicate how you would like your donation to be used:
Contribute to a bursary fund which enables those who cannot afford the course tuition to study at a reduced rate.
Contribute to the mission of making good solid spiritual resources available.
Or you can specify how you would like your donation to be used.
If you do not indicate how you would like your donation to be used we shall presume you are happy with it being used for one of the above.​
Donate by Direct Bank Transfer
Lux in Tenebris
Acct Number: 88879615
Sort Code: 51-81-18
PLEASE NOTE: If you are donating by Bank transfer, there is no need to fill out the form above.
Instead, please use the bank details on the left, and please send an email to:
Thank you so much for your contribution!
May God reward you!