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Short Courses

More than a course…

A Journey

An Experience

An Adventure in God

Once you have registered and made your payment you will receive an email on the evening before each lecture/discussion session, with the link for the next day’s session. On the first day of a course, there will be an optional test meeting 15 minutes before the start of the session – for anyone who wishes to practice clicking the link and making sure they can see and hear without any problems. At the time of the session, to “enter the meeting room”, you simply click the link in your email, follow the directions, and you are in! There is no need for any advanced computer or technical skill. Real-time Interactive Participation Once you are in the “meeting room”, you can see and hear everything. To ask questions, or participate in the discussion, you simply un-mute your microphone (or you can opt to just listen). We prefer everyone’s web-cam to be turned on, so that we’re all visible to each other, but you can opt to turn off your web-cam if necessary. You can ask questions, contribute to the discussion, and participate just as you would if you were onsite – all from the comfort of your own home.

Lux Short Courses  have  morning & evening sessions. You can choose to attend either the morning or the evening session.

The evening is a repeat of the morning session; you can choose which time suits you best. Come in morning or evening, or if it helps your learning experience, come to both! (at no extra cost)


Faith, Science & the Existence of God

Does the truth of the Catholic faith contradict the truth of science? Do current scientific theories disprove the Catholic faith? In light of modern science, can we still posit the existence of God? Don’t the big bang, evolution, and a proper scientific understanding of nature eliminate the need to believe in the existence of God? These are some of the questions we will consider in this short course.

Mondays - 30th September & 7th October 2024

7:00-9:00pm (UK Time)

Best Value

Short Course - 4+ hours



Live Interactive Sessions + Registration Fee

Valid for 2 weeks

The Person of Jesus Christ

In this course, we consider the Person of Jesus Christ – unique Mediator and cornerstone of our Faith.  How is Jesus different from Buddha, Krishna, and other religious leaders/gurus? Why is He unique? In the midst of contemporary culture and the media storms of bad news, we consider the call to focus on the Good News of Jesus Christ, “centre of the universe and centre of history,” (St John Paul II, Redemptor Hominis 1).

Mondays - 18th & 25th November 2024

7:00-9:00pm (UK Time)

Best Value

Short Course - 4+ hours



Live Interactive Sessions + Registration Fee

Valid for 2 weeks


The Immaculate Conception in Scripture

Is there any Biblical basis for the dogma of the Immaculate Conception? In this short course, we contemplate the Biblical foundations of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary.

Learn how to respond to common objections, and discover the ancient roots of this dogma.

Monday - 2nd December  2024

7:00-9:00pm (UK Time)

Best Value

Short Course - 2+ hours



Live Interactive Session + Registration Fee

Valid for one week

The Resurrection of Christ

In this course, we contemplate this central mystery of our Catholic Christian faith.  We will consider the Gospel accounts of the resurrection of Christ; we will discuss how Christ’s resurrection differs from the raising of Lazarus; we will answer some of the common objections to the truth of the resurrection, and we will see why this matters in our own lives.

Monday - 16th December  2024

7:00-9:00pm (UK Time)

Best Value

Short Course - 2+ hours



Live Interactive Session + Registration Fee

Valid for one week

The Sacraments of Initiation & the Bible

This course seeks to explore the Biblical roots of the Sacraments of Initiation.  In the Sacraments, we truly encounter Christ. Through the Sacraments, we receive sanctifying grace, a participation in the Divine life, (2Pet 1:4). In this course, we will learn about how the Sacraments work; and we will examine the Scriptural foundations for each of the three Sacraments of Initiation – Baptism, Confirmation, and the Holy Eucharist.  We will see how the Dogmas of the Church are rooted and grounded in the Scriptural revelation concerning these Sacraments. And we will consider the specific effects of each of these Sacraments in the life of the Christian disciple.

7 Weeks

Mondays - Begin 10th March 2025

7:00-9:00pm (UK Time)

Justification and Salvation – Catholic Teaching & Non-Catholic Views

We often hear the words justification and salvation. But what do these words mean, and are they really important for our Catholic faith?  Our non-Catholic friends sometimes tell us that we can be saved by faith alone. Is that true? What about works? Explore what the Bible has to say about justification and salvation.  Discover the underlying reasons for the differences between Catholic teaching and non-Catholic views by examining the Scriptural foundations of the Catholic teaching on these questions.

2025 DATES & TIMES  - to be announced

Confession, Indulgences, Purgatory & the Communion of Saints

In this course, we consider some of the most misunderstood teachings of the Catholic Church.

  • Why do we need to go to confession to a priest? Can't God just forgive us directly? What if you go to confession but do not confess all your sins? Is there any Biblical basis for this Sacrament?

  • Does the Church still have indulgences? What are they? How do they work?

  • Is purgatory real? Is it in the Bible?

The Church’s teaching on Indulgences is related to the Sacrament of Penance / Confession – specifically, with the satisfaction/penance we offer (part of the matter of the Sacrament of Penance). The Doctrine on Indulgences is a great gift for us; it is beautiful, and very misunderstood. In order to understand the doctrine on Indulgences, we must understand what Purgatory is, and what is meant by the Communion of Saints.  We will see the Scriptural foundation for each of these dogmas of the Faith.

Mondays - 2nd & 9th June 2025

Best Value

Short Course - 4+ hours



Live Interactive Sessions + Registration Fee

Valid for 2 weeks

          +44 (0)7850 411874

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