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“I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father, except through me.”


Jn 14:6

“Amen, Amen, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of man and drink his blood, you have no life in you; he who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up at the last day.”


Jn 6:53-54

Now Jesus did many other signs in the presence of the disciples, which are not written in this book; but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in his name. 

Jn 20:30-31



  • Why does John call Jesus “the Word”?

  • Why does John begin with “the Word”?

  • Do we really eat Jesus’ “flesh” in the Eucharist?

  • How do all those sacrifices prescribed in the book of Leviticus help us to understand more deeply Jesus' teaching about the Eucharist?

  • Why is Jesus called “Lamb of God”?

  • What are the Promises of Jesus in the Gospel of John?

  • What does Jesus teach us about Discipleship?

  • Why does John talk about “signs” instead of miracles?

  • In John, were the Jewish Passover lambs slaughtered on Good Friday?

  • Does John’s chronology of the Last Supper & Jesus’ passion and death match with the chronology of the other gospels?

Join us on the journey as we consider these and many other important questions.

Nine Months - 33 Sessions

Online Interactive Lectures

Choose From 2 Times



7:00-9:00pm  (UK Time)


8:00-10:00pm  (Central European Time)


2:00-4:00pm  (Eastern Time - USA)


11:00am-1:00pm (Pacific Time - USA)



9:00-11:00am   (UK Time)


(Central European Time) 

Although we hear the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke once every three years in the liturgical cycle of Sunday Mass readings, we hear the Gospel of John every year – during the Christmas and Easter Seasons, the climax of Lent, and other Solemnities and Feasts.

This course seeks to explore what makes the Gospel of John so special and unique. We will consider the structure and content of this mystical gospel, what it has in common with the other gospels, and what is unique.

We will consider what St John means by “signs”, and we will take an in depth look at some of those signs. We will consider how these signs speak to us today, and what the Lord might be saying to us.

We will examine St John’s rich theology concerning the Person of Jesus Christ, the Holy Eucharist (the source & summit of the Christian life), the Sacrament of Baptism and the graces received in this great sacrament of salvation…

Once you have registered and made your payment you will receive an email on the evening before each lecture/discussion session, with the link for the next day’s session. On the first day of a course, there will be an optional test meeting 15 minutes before the start of the session – for anyone who wishes to practice clicking the link and making sure they can see and hear without any problems. At the time of the session, to “enter the meeting room”, you simply click the link in your email, follow the directions, and you are in! There is no need for any advanced computer or technical skill. Real-time Interactive Participation Once you are in the “meeting room”, you can see and hear everything. To ask questions, or participate in the discussion, you simply un-mute your microphone (or you can opt to just listen). We prefer everyone’s web-cam to be turned on, so that we’re all visible to each other, but you can opt to turn off your web-cam if necessary. You can ask questions, contribute to the discussion, and participate just as you would if you were onsite – all from the comfort of your own home. Following each session, notes will be emailed to you. 24-hour email, and access to your tutor by phone or Zoom by appointment. In Case You Miss a Lecture on one of our long courses As with any discipline, a certain time commitment is necessary in order to learn effectively. Nevertheless, we understand that there will be times when you might be unable to attend a lecture. When this happens, you can contact your course lecturer as soon as possible so that arrangements can be made for you to learn the material covered in the lecture you missed. You will be provided with the resources necessary, so that you do not have major gaps in your learning.

Topics Covered in this Programme

  • The Eucharist in the Gospel of John – Fulfillment of all  Old Testament Sacrifices

  • The Mass in the Gospel of John

  • Conversion and Discipleship in the Gospel of John

  • The Divinity of Christ

  • Growing in friendship with Jesus

  • Grace & Justification in the Gospel of John

  • The Holy Spirit in the Gospel of John

  • The Trinity & the Indwelling in the Gospel of John

  • The Passover in the Gospel of John

  • Christ & the fulfilment of Torah & Temple

  • What is Truth?

  • Worship in Spirit and Truth

  • The Sacraments in the Gospel of John

  • The New Covenant Priesthood in the Gospel of John

  • Jesus – the Healer of our brokenness

  • The Blessed Virgin Mary in the Gospel of John

  • Jesus the Bridegroom in the Gospel of John

  • The Church in the Gospel of John

  • The Lover & the Beloved

  • Divine Mercy in the Gospel of John

  • Faith in the Gospel of John

  • Hope in the Gospel of John

  • The Primacy of Love in the Gospel of John

  • Eternal Life

Enjoy the Interactive Lectures & Discussions from your own home

Interactive Real-time Participation  & Regular Feedback from your Academic Tutor




Best Value

Gospel of John - One Payment



33 Sessions + Bonus Workshops + Notes + Registration Fee

Valid for 10 months

Best Value

Gospel of John - Monthly Payment



Every month

Month's Sessions + Bonus Workshops + Notes + Registration Fee

Valid for 9 months

Pay by Direct Bank Transfer

Lux in Tenebris

Acct Number: 88879615

Sort Code: 51-81-18

  • Please transfer £998 

  • or set up a standing order for £120 - to be paid before the 1st of the month - for 9 months.

          +44 (0)7850 411874

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